Thursday, September 2, 2010

All guts, no glory

This was originally posted in the Sea Rescue magazine (Winter 2010 edition) and is the editorial post from CEO Ian Wienburg...

"President Harry Truman once said “it is amazing what you can accomplish if you don’t care about who gets the credit". I think that sums up the ethos of Sea Rescue. Anyone who wants to be the hero or who has visions of leaping in front of the camera does not last long. All of us clean the bathrooms and all of us wipe up behind the casualties. Very few of the 920 unpaid volunteers appear on the evening news, very few of them have their names published.

So while you may often see my name and my face or even more frequently hear the words “Craig Lambinon said....” – we are merely the mouthpiece for a phenomenal team."

On Thursday 26th August, the NSRI honoured some of it's volunteer crewmen, woman and public  - who performed courageous acts for mere strangers, some in the middle of the morning (03:00) to just before midnight (the Seli 1 ground in September 2009) - at the NSRI 2010 AGM.

Award winners Steven Freeborough, Reinhard Geldenhuys , Darryl Moon, Jaco Louw, Jody Foster and Sandile Mkari at the Sea Rescue AM awards. Picture Andrew Ingram/ Sea Rescue.
So if you want to see the everyday faces of the people who will drop whatever they are doing and head out into treacherous seas then look no further then the NSRI AGM 2010 gallery

Where you can find the NSRI online:

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