Friday, August 20, 2010

The top Location Based Services [Infographic]

Spotted this on TechCrunch this morning: A great explanation of the key players of Location Based Services wrapped up in an infographic including the newest competitor, Facebook Places. Although Facebook Places isn't available in our country yet, when it goes live it will hopefully bring more attention to the potential of location based services and what it can offer to the users, which is like Foursquare have driven it; engaging with your customers and creating an incentive to drive them to your business.

Credit: Mark Fidelman

Hi-res versions are available for download here

Check your Facebook application on your phone (if you use it) for the latest addition from the social networking king. Took some screencaps when I updated my version on my iPhone yesterday

Does anyone really use apps like Foursquare, Gowalla or BrightKite? Would you use Facebook Places to share more information with your friends or is it becoming too much?


Mark Fidelman said...

Thanks for posting the infographic. Hope to see Facebook Places in your country soon.

Robyn Silverstone said...

Thanks for the awesome infographic!