Thursday, June 3, 2010

Feel it baby

I don't know about you but was driving my car to Sea Point this morning to check her into the doctor and noticed literally every single car had some sort of patriotic symbol on it. Be it a flag, mirror socks, aerial flag or an opposing team's - I'm guilty of this - flag hanging in the window, it was freaking fantastic.

I felt a little emo twinge in my heart and put my smile on as I sang to the tunes on the radio.

So... decided to go purchase SA mirror flags, Italian flag and wearing them proudly on the Tranquil Terror.

Yes. I support Italy as well. Not only for their faces and bodies but they have some skill too...

1 comment:

@cath_lewis said...

Thats great Rob. Cape Town has been a bit slow on the uptake compared to other cities so I hope the gees continues to grow exponentially! So sad I am not going to be home in time for the opening ceremony, but will be sure to watch from LHR.